IKEA - Click and collect

How it works?!

Firstly, Freight Hub will be collecting from IKEA WARRINGTON every Wednesday. For a delivery quotation, please send the product codes of the items you would like to purchase to hello@freighthub.im or via Facebook Messenger.

Once you are happy with the quoted delivery charge, please kindly action the following:

  1. Place your order at www.ikea.com, and ensure that you use your own personal details as the purchaser. Please note that if it doesn't recognise your home postcode, please insert Freight Hub's UK depot postcode, namely WA8 7AH.
  2. Please select the Warrington store, and select the collection slot on a Wednesday at 1600-1900 hrs.
  3. Send your purchase confirmation email to hello@freighthub.im
  4. Freight hub will collect your order & endeavour to deliver it to your door within a few days. N.B. Adverse sailing conditions to the Isle of Man may at times affect the delivery time.